Atheism II

Atheism is not the skepticism of antiquity with reference to the gods nor that of the Age of Enlightenment with its nascent individualism. Modern atheism is based on science, mathematics, and logic. Its fruit is positivism, behaviorism, technology, and materialism.
Modern culture continues to subsist on the moral capital of theism, both in positive and negative ways. Scholasticism only codified the dichotomies of theism that continue to plague society: war versus peace, liberty versus authority, charity versus justice, obedience versus power. In short, theism made no progress on these essential issues. But atheism, rather than point to a resolution of these dichotomies, has instead created the technological tools that allow the powerful in society and the world to choose the negative of the dichotomies. Modern science, technology, and cultural materialism have allied themselves to the most primitive elements of theism to produce institutions and powers inimical to humanity.