Raccoon passes

Midmorning and the raccoon is among the plant saucers that serve as water containers for birds. In fact, it stands in one and looks about vacantly. Then it is o...

Art and melancholy

The city as society’s agent abandons its denizens as night abandons light, as easily as it discards the aged and children and solitaries. The melancholy o...

Moon spill

A brilliant full moon is casting cold clear light straight through the curtains and onto the bare floor. I look up, startled and shivering, thinking: What a mes...

Joinville on hermits

In his Chronicle of the Crusade of St. Louis, the thirteenth-fourteenth century writer Joinville mentions an incident refering to hermits. On his party’s ...

Disasters II

In a passage somewhere in Pearl Buck’s The Good Earth, the protagonist, who is a Chinese farmer, looks at his fields and reflects on an impeding famine. T...

Zen moment

I look around proudly housework done everything clean then, I frown it won’t last already dust on the mirror

Morrow on evil

What is the vilest stereotype of a hermit? Start with the image of the old loner, secretive, suspicious, furtive. That is what Lance Morrow begins to depict in ...


In most Western languages, the word “disaster” comes from the Latin dies aster, meaning “bad star.” According to this primordial view of...

Anchoress of Shere

Little is known of the 14th-century English anchoress Christine Carpenter, but a book and a film have decided on versions of her life and motives. Anchoress of ...

Moon and sun

At dusk, the full moon is a lantern hung in the trees, the slender pine trees against the sky like black grill-like slivers over the source of light. In a nearb...